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With winter here and finally with some snow, we’re ready to ski. But what if taking time off to find a mountain to ski just isn’t working into our schedules? What can we do that is kind of like skiing that can give us some of the same benefits? It can even get us into shape for that upcoming ski trip? The answer is this: ice skating. Let’s explore some reasons why these two activities compliment each other.
Beyond the fact that both must be done in a cold environment both have significant health benefits. Balance is crucial in skating. Using two very narrow blades on skates works to improve balance by strengthening foot and ankle muscles and tendons as you glide over the ice. Motor coordination improves as your body has to work as one to stay balanced and in control. So it’s a good brain workout, too. Joint flexibility can improve as skating is actually much lower impact than running or cycling. Hip, hamstring, quad, calf, and glutes are just some of the muscle groups that get stronger and more toned with the movements used in skating. Creating strong abdominal and back muscles produces better posture. Cardiovascular health and endurance are also improved.
So does this sound a lot like what we need to have to ski safely and well? But wait, there’s more. Both skiing and skating teach us an important life skill. Our confidence gets a boost when we discover that even if we fall down, and that’s something that we will definitely do, we can get back up and keep going. We become less afraid of failure and learn focus on our efforts to achieve success. Ice is slippery and so is life. It’s how we get up that matters. But most of all both are just plain fun. - Jackie, Skimeister
1. What clothes do I need to ski? athletic under garments, base layer, ski socks, sweater, neck warmer, helmet, goggles, & ski gloves, (moisture wicking fabrics recommended)
2. What are some tips to prepare for my ski season? about 6 weeks ahead of time check your ski equipment, does it need tuning? it’s always a good practice to have the bindings checked from season to season depending on usage. Do my boots fit? Do my clothes fit? Is my body ready for athletics & altitude? Having a regular fitness & Yoga regimen is key to feeling ready to hit the slopes. Remember rest & recovery is important too.
3. I am new to skiing, any tips? Yes, TAKE SOME LESSONS. It is imperative to know how to stop & get up properly from a fall. Ski with another person or let someone know where you plan on skiing.
4. I lost my ski partner & I am concerned for their well-being. Find a ski patrol person. Technology now allows for the RFID ski pass and this allows knowledge of which lift a person was last seen on and the time.
5. Do I need to drink water when I am on the mountain? Hydration is an imperative ingredient in optimal athletic performance especially in the mountains.